1863 $50 Michigan National Banks Charters

Fifty Dollar NotesNationals1863 Fifty Dollar Original Series National Bank NotesMichigan Charters

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1863 $50
Sell 1863 $50 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed with rays
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1864 $50 Compound Interest Treasury Note
2. 1861 $50 Interest Bearing Note
3. 1863 $50 Interest Bearing Note
4. 1864 $50 Interest Bearing Note
5. 1865 $50 Interest Bearing Note
6. 1862 $50 Legal Tender

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The following list of 1863 Michigan Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1863 $50 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1863 $50 Michigan National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Ann Arbor 22221863
First National Bank of Fenton 81811863
First National Bank of Detroit 97971863
Second National Bank of Detroit 1161161863
First National Bank of Ypsilanti 1551551863
First National Bank of Hillsdale 1681681863
First National Bank of Kalamazoo 1911911864
First National Bank of Lansing 2322321864
Second National Bank of Lansing 2642641864
First National Bank of Ionia 2752751864
First National Bank of Grand Rapids 2942941864
First National Bank of Romeo 3543541864
First National Bank of Marquette 3903901864
First National Bank of Bay City 4104101864
First National Bank of Pontiac 4344341864
First National Bank of Three Rivers 6006001864
First National Bank of East Saginaw 6376371864
City National Bank of Grand Rapids 8128121865
First National Bank? of Constantine 8138131865
First National Bank of Sturgis 8258251865
National Bank of Tecumseh of Tecumseh 106310631865
First National Bank of Jackson 106510651865
First National Bank of Battle Creek 120512051865
Coldwater National Bank of Coldwater 123512351865
First National Bank of Houghton 124712471865
First National Bank of Corunna 125612561865
Lowell National Bank of Lowell 128012801865
Michigan National Bank of Kalamazoo 135913591865
National Insurance Bank of Detroit 143314331865
Second National Bank of Hillsdale 147014701865
First National Bank of Marshall 151515151865
National Bank of Michigan of Marshall 151815181865
First National Bank of Paw Paw 152115211865
Peoples National Bank of Jackson 153315331865
First National Bank of Saint Johns 153915391865
First National Bank of Detroit 154215421865
National Exchange Bank of Albion 154415441865
Merchants National Bank of East Saginaw 155015501865
First National Bank of Owosso 157315731865
Second National Bank of Pontiac 157415741865
First National Bank of Monroe 158715871865
First National Bank of Flint 158815881865
First National Bank of Dowagiac 162516251865
First National Bank of Decatur 172217221870
First National Bank of Schoolcraft 172517251870
Muskegon National Bank of Muskegon 173017301870
First National Bank of Lapeer 173117311870
Hastings National Bank of Hastings 174517451870
First National Bank of Holly 175217521870
First National Bank of Charlotte 175817581870
First National Bank of Niles 176117611871
First National Bank of Mason 176417641871
First National Bank of Saginaw 176817681871
Citizens National Bank of Flint 178017801871
First National Bank of Saint Clair 178917891871
First National Bank of Cassopolis 181218121871
First National Bank of South Haven 182318231871
Union City National Bank of Union City 182618261871
First National Bank of Allegan 182918291871
Northern National Bank of Big Rapids 183218321871
First National Bank of Grand Haven 184918491871
First National Bank of Port Huron 185718571871
First National Bank of Saint Joseph 186618661871
Citizens National Bank of Niles 188618861871
First National Bank of Plymouth 191619161872
Second National Bank of Saginaw 191819181872
Manufacturers National Bank of Three Rivers 191919191872
Southern Michigan National Bank of Coldwater 192419241872
Lansing National Bank of Lansing 195319531872
Merchants National Bank of Holly 196519651872
First National Bank of Adrian 197319731872
Second National Bank of Ionia 200820081872
First National Bank of Muir 201720171872
National City Bank of Marshall 202320231872
First National Bank of Buchanan 204620461872
First National Bank of Greenville 205420541872
Lumbermans National Bank of Muskegon 208120811873
First National Bank of Ishpeming 208420841873
First National Bank of Negaunee 208520851873
First National Bank of Centerville 209520951873
First National Bank of Hancock 214321431874
Second National Bank of Bay City 214521451874
First National Bank of Leslie 216221621874
Citizens National Bank of Romeo 218621861874
Farmers National Bank of Constantine 221122111874
First National Bank of Mount Clemens 221422141874
Other $50 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.