1863 $50 Minnesota National Banks Charters

Fifty Dollar NotesNationals1863 Fifty Dollar Original Series National Bank NotesMinnesota Charters

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1863 $50
Sell 1863 $50 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed with rays
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1864 $50 Compound Interest Treasury Note
2. 1861 $50 Interest Bearing Note
3. 1863 $50 Interest Bearing Note
4. 1864 $50 Interest Bearing Note
5. 1865 $50 Interest Bearing Note
6. 1862 $50 Legal Tender

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The following list of 1863 Minnesota Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1863 $50 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1863 $50 Minnesota National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Saint Paul 2032031864
First National Bank of Hastings 4964961864
First National Bank of Winona 5505501864
First National Bank of Rochester 5795791864
First National Bank of New Ulm 6316311864
First National Bank of Minneapolis 7107101865
National Exchange Bank of Minneapolis 7197191865
Second National Bank of Saint Paul 7257251865
National Marine Bank of Saint Paul 125812581865
First National Bank of Red Wing 148714871865
First National Bank of Stillwater 151415141865
Merchants National Bank of Hastings 153815381865
First National Bank of Shakopee 159715971865
State National Bank of Minneapolis 162316231865
United National Bank of Winona 164316431866
First National Bank of Mankato 168316831868
First National Bank of Faribault 168616861868
First National Bank of Austin 169016901869
First National Bank of Lake City 174017401870
Winona Deposit of Winona 178217821871
Lumbermen's National Bank of Stillwater 178317831871
First National Bank of Saint Peter 179417941871
Merchants National Bank of Minneapolis 183018301871
Second National Bank of Winona 184218421871
Citizens National Bank of Faribault 186318631871
First National Bank of Owatonna 191119111871
First National Bank of Duluth 195419541872
Citizens National Bank of Mankato 200520051872
Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis 200620061872
Merchants National Bank of Saint Paul 202020201872
First National Bank of Fergus Falls 203020301872
First National Bank of Northfield 207320731872
Union National Bank of Rochester 208820881873
Farmers National Bank of Owatonna 212221221873
First National Bank of Kasson 215921591874
Merchants National Bank of Winona 226822681875
Other $50 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.