1875 $500 Montana National Banks Charters

Five Hundred Dollar NotesNationals1875 Five Hundred Dollar National Bank NotesMontana Charters

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1875 $500
Sell 1875 $500 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed with scallops
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1875 $500 Gold Certificate
2. 1882 $500 Gold Certificate
3. 1874 $500 Legal Tender
4. 1875 $500 Legal Tender
5. 1878 $500 Legal Tender

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The following list of 1875 Montana Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1875 $500 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1875 $500 Montana National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Helena 164916491866
Montana National Bank of Helena 196019601872
First National Bank of Deer Lodge 197519751872
First National Bank of Bozeman 202720271872
Peoples National Bank of Helena 210521051873
First National Bank of Missoula 210621061873
Northwestern National Bank of Great Falls 247624761880
First National Bank of Butte 256625661881
Other $500 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.