1875 $500 Ohio National Banks Charters

Five Hundred Dollar NotesNationals1875 Five Hundred Dollar National Bank NotesOhio Charters

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1875 $500
Sell 1875 $500 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed with scallops
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1875 $500 Gold Certificate
2. 1882 $500 Gold Certificate
3. 1874 $500 Legal Tender
4. 1875 $500 Legal Tender
5. 1878 $500 Legal Tender

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The following list of 1875 Ohio Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1875 $500 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1875 $500 Ohio National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Youngstown 331863
First National Bank of Fremont 551863
First National Bank of Cleveland 771863
First National Bank of Dayton 991863
Second National Bank of Dayton 10101863
Second National Bank of Cleveland 13131863
First National Bank of Sandusky 16161863
Fifth-Third National Bank of Cincinnati 20201863
First National Bank of Cincinnati 24241863
First National Bank of Akron 27271863
Second National Bank of Cincinnati 32321863
First National Bank of Findlay 36361863
Second National Bank of Akron 40401863
First National Bank of Salem 43431863
First National Bank of McConnels 46461863
First National Bank of Lodi 53531863
First National Bank of Hamilton 56561863
First National Bank of Troy 59591863
First National Bank of Portsmouth 68681863
First National Bank of Oberlin 72721863
First National Bank of Warren 74741863
First National Bank of Canton 76761863
First National Bank of Germantown 86861863
First National Bank of Upper Sandusky 90901863
First National Bank of Toledo 91911863
First National Bank of Logan 92921863
Fourth National Bank of Cincinnati 93931863
First National Bank of Irontown 98981863
First National Bank of Cadiz 1001001863
First National Bank of Greenfield 1011011863
First National Bank of Ravenna 1061061863
First National Bank of Circleville 1181181863
First National Bank of Columbus 1231231863
First National Bank of Cardington 1271271863
First National Bank of Chillicothe 1281281863
Second National Bank of Zanesville 1311311863
First National Bank of Pomeroy 1321321863
First National Bank of Beverly 1331331863
First National Bank of Gallipolis 1361361863
First National Bank of Lancaster 1371371863
First National Bank of Cambridge 1411411863
First National Bank of Marietta 1421421863
First National Bank of Geneva 1531531863
First National Bank of Zanesville 1641641863
First National Bank of South Charleston 1711711863
Second National Bank of Circleville 1721721863
First National Bank of Ashland 1831831864
Second National Bank of Sandusky 2102101864
First National Bank of Bridgeport 2142141864
First National Bank of Norwalk 2152151864
First National Bank of Massillon 2162161864
First National Bank of Painesville 2202201864
First National Bank of Athens 2332331864
First National Bank of Byran 2372371864
First National Bank of Springfield 2382381864
Second National Bank of Ironton 2422421864
First National Bank of Delaware 2432431864
Second National Bank of Toledo 2482481864
First National Bank of Sidney 2572571864
First National Bank of Mount Gilead 2582581864
Second National Bank of Springfield 2632631864
First National Bank of Delphos 2742741864
Second National Bank of Xenia 2772771864
First National Bank of Washington C.H. 2842841864
First National Bank of Marion 2872871864
First National Bank of Ripley 2892891864
First National Bank of Saint Clairsville 3153151864
Second National Bank of Ravenna 3503501864
First National Bank of Wilmington 3653651864
First National Bank of Xenia 3693691864
First National Bank of Cuyahoga Falls 3783781864
First National Bank of Granville 3883881864
First National Bank of Galion 4194191864
First National Bank of Van Wert 4224221864
First National Bank of Jefferson 4274271864
First National Bank of Mansfield 4364361864
First National Bank of Elyria 4384381864
First National Bank of Bucyrus 4434431864
Second National Bank of Canton 4634631864
First National Bank of Wellington 4644641864
Richland National Bank of Mansfield 4804801864
First National Bank of Mount Pleasant 4924921864
First National Bank of Smithfield 5015011864
First National Bank of Eaton 5305301864
National Exchange Bank of Columbus 5915911864
Franklin National Bank of Columbus 5995991864
Toledo National Bank of Toledo 6076071864
Central National Bank of Cincinnati 6206201864
Ohio National Bank of Cincinnati 6306301864
Kent National Bank of Kent 6526521864
First National Bank of Batavia 7157151865
First National Bank of Franklin 7387381865
Merchants' National Bank of Cleveland 7737731865
National City Bank of Cleveland 7867861865
First National Bank of Hillsborough 7877871865
Farmers National Bank of Mansfield 8008001865
Commercial National Bank of Cleveland 8078071865
Northern National Bank of Toledo 8098091865
Wayne County National Bank of Wooster 8288281865
Second National Bank of Hamilton 8298291865
Merchants' National Bank of Cincinnati 8448441865
Delaware County National Bank of Delaware 8538531865
First National Bank of Newark 8588581865
Marietta National Bank of Marietta 8598591865
Citizens National Bank of Urbana 8638631865
Dayton National Bank of Dayton 8988981865
First National Bank of Tiffifi 9009001865
National Exchange Bank of Tiffin 9079071865
First National Bank of Mount Vernon 9089081865
First National Bank of Barnesville 9119111865
Champaign National Bank of Urbana 9169161865
Norwalk National Bank of Norwalk 9319311865
Farmers' National Bank of Ripley 9339331865
Portsmouth National Bank of Portsmouth 9359351865
Farmers' National Bank of Salem 9739731865
Farmers' National Bank of Ashtabula 9759751865
Citizens National Bank of Piqua 100610061865
First National Bank of Wellsville 104410441865
Knox County National Bank of Mount Vernon 105110511865
Citizens National Bank of Piqua 106110611865
Jefferson National Bank of Steubenville 106210621865
Madison National Bank of London 106410641865
First National Bank of New Richmond 106810681865
Farmers' National Bank of Portsmouth 108810881865
Farmers' National Bank of Greenville 109210921865
Mad River National Bank of Springfield 114611461865
First National Bank of Steubenville 116411641865
Ross County National Bank of Chillicothe 117211721865
Commercial National Bank of Cincinnati 118511851865
Muskingum National Bank of Zanesville 123012301865
First National Bank of Lebanon 123812381865
Hocking Valley National Bank of Lancaster 124112411865
Chillicothe National Bank of Chillicothe 127712771865
Union National Bank of Massillon 131813181865
Harrison National Bank of Cadiz 144714471865
First National Bank of Middletown 154515451865
Trumbull National Bank of Warren 157815781865
Ohio National Bank of Cleveland 168916891869
Bellefontaine National Bank of Bellefontaine 178417841871
Merchants' National Bank of Dayton 178817881871
Merchants' National Bank of Toledo 189518951871
First National Bank of Jackson 190319031871
First National Bank of Plymouth 190419041871
Defiance National Bank of Defiance 190619061871
National Bank of Wooster of Wooster 191219121871
First National Bank of Napoleon 191719171872
First National Bank of Coshocton 192019201872
First National Bank of Millersburg 192319231872
First National Bank of Shelby 192919291872
First National Bank of Minerva 193019301872
Guernsey National Bank of Cambridge 194219421872
First National Bank of Bellaire 194419441872
Iron National Bank of Portsmouth 194819481872
Kinney National Bank of Portsmouth 195819581872
Fayette County National Bank of Washington C. H. 197219721872
Pomeroy National Bank of Pomeroy 198019801872
First National Bank of New London 198119811872
Manchester National Bank of Manchester 198219821872
Citizens' National Bank of Galion 198419841872
Quaker City National Bank of Quaker City 198919891872
Clinton County National Bank of Wilmington 199719971872
Citizens' National Bank of New Philadelphia 199919991872
First National Bank of Berea 200420041872
First and Merchants' National Bank of Middletown 202520251872
Second National Bank of Jefferson 202620261872
Ashtabula National Bank of Ashtabula 203120311872
First National Bank of Garrettsville 203420341872
First National Bank of Lima 203520351872
Vinton County National Bank of McArthur 203620361872
First National Bank of Green Spring 203720371872
Citizens' National Bank of Hillsborough 203920391872
First National Bank of Alliance 204120411872
Malta National Bank of Malta 205220521872
First National Bank of Medina 205320531872
First National Bank of New Lexington 205620561872
Third National Bank of Sandusky 206120611872
Third National Bank of Urbana 207120711872
Phoenix / National Bank of Medina 209120911873
Lagonda National Bank of Springfield 209820981873
Noble County National Bank of Caldwell 210221021873
First National Bank of East Liverpool 214621461874
National Exchange Bank of Steubenville 216021601874
Centreville National Bank of Thurman 218121811874
First National Bank of New Lisbon 220322031874
First National Bank of Middleport 221022101874
Second National Bank of Youngstown 221722171875
First National Bank of Batesville 221922191875
Waynesville National Bank of Waynesville 222022201875
Farmers' National Bank of Franklin 228222821875
Commercial National Bank of Toledo 229622961875
First National Bank of Bellevue 230223021875
National La Fayette Bank of Cincinnati 231523151875
Farmers' National Bank of Mechanicsburg 232523251876
Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown 235023501877
Lebanon National Bank of Lebanon 236023601877
Hubbard National Bank of Hubbard 238923891878
Fourth National Bank of Columbus 242324231879
First National Bank of Monroeville 243824381879
Farmers and Merchants' National Bank of Cadiz 244424441879
Merchants' National Bank of Hillsborough 244924491880
Morrow County National Bank of Mount Gilead 245924591880
Farmers' National Bank of Bryan 247424741880
Second National Bank of Warren 247924791880
People's National Bank of Bellefontaine 248024801880
Commercial National Bank of Youngstown 248224821880
First National Bank of Saint Paris 248824881880
City National Bank of Canton 248924891880
Citizens' National Bank of Cincinnati 249524951880
First National Bank of Granville 249624961880
Merchants' National Bank of Lima 249724971880
First National Bank of Kenton 250025001881
Merchants' National Bank of Defiance 251625161881
Lincoln National Bank of Cincinnati 252425241881
Citizens National Bank of Zanesville 252925291881
Lincoln National Bank of Cincinnati 254225421881
Potters' National Bank of East Liverpool 254425441881
Lincoln National Bank of Cincinnati 254925491881
Metropolitan National Bank of Xenia 257525751881
Citizens' National Bank of Mansfield 257725771881
Farmers and Merchants' National Bank of Uhrichsville 258225821881
Winters National Bank of Dayton 260426041881
Commercial National Bank of Columbus 260526051881
Exchange National Bank of Cincinnati 261626161882
Springfield National Bank of Springfield 262026201882
First National Bank of Lorain 262526251882
Van Wert National Bank of Van Wert 262826281882
National Bank of Cleveland of Cleveland 266226621882
Second National Bank of Cincinnati 266426641882
Other $500 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

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Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.