1882 $10 Kansas National Banks Charters

Ten Dollar NotesNationals1882 Ten Dollar National Bank NotesKansas Charters

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1882 $10 Brown Back - Front
1882 $10 Brown Back - Front
1882 $10 Brown Back - Back

1882 $10 Date Back - Front

1882 $10 Date Back - Back

1882 $10 Value Back - Front

1882 $10 Value Back - Back
Sell 1882 $10 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesBrown, Blue
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1878 $10 Legal Tender
2. 1880 $10 Legal Tender

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The following list of 1882 Kansas Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1882 $10 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1882 $10 Kansas National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Leavenworth 1821821864
Second National Bank of Leavenworth 144814481865
National Bank of Lawrence of Lawrence 159015901865
First National Bank of Topeka 166016601866
First National Bank of Atchison 167216721867
First National Bank of Ottawa 171817181870
Second National Bank of Lawrence 173217321870
First National Bank of Fort Scott 176317631871
First National Bank of Olathe 182818281871
First National Bank of Baxter Springs 183818381871
First National Bank of Wyandotte 184018401871
First National Bank of Paola 186418641871
First National Bank of Chetopa 190219021871
Peoples National Bank of Ottawa 191019101871
First National Bank of Wichita 191319131872
First National Bank of Emporia 191519151872
Merchants National Bank of Fort Scott 192719271872
Topeka National Bank of Topeka 194519451872
First National Bank of Parsons 195119511872
First National Bank of El Dorado 195719571872
First National Bank of Junction City 197719771872
Burlington National Bank of Burlington 197919791872
Emporia National Bank of Emporia 198319831872
First National Bank of Council Grove 200120011872
Atchison National Bank of Atchison 208220821873
First National Bank of Manhattan 209420941873
State National Bank of Topeka 219221921874
First National Bank of Abilene 242724271879
First National Bank of Salina 253825381881
First National Bank of Hiawatha 258925891881
First National Bank of Cawker City 264026401882
First National Bank of Topeka 264626461882
First National Bank of Larned 266626661882
Exchange National Bank of Atchison 275827581882
Chase County National Bank of Cottonwood Falls 276427641882
First National Bank of Newton 277727771882
First National Bank of Wichita 278227821882
Wichita National Bank of Wichita 278627861882
First National Bank of Marysville 279127911882
First National Bank of Frankfort 280928091882
First National Bank of Wellington 287928791883
First National Bank of Washington 291229121883
First National Bank of Seneca 295229521883
First National Bank of Sabetha 295429541883
First National Bank of Garnett 297329731883
Citizens National Bank of Sabetha 299029901883
Strong City National Bank of Strong City 300230021883
First National Bank of Marion 301830181883
First National Bank of Independence 302130211883
Leavenworth National Bank of Leavenworth 303330331883
National Bank of El Dorado of El Dorado 303530351883
First National Bank of Oswego 303830381883
First National Bank of Holton 306130611883
First National Bank of Concordia 306630661883
First National Bank of Clay Center 307230721883
Central National Bank of Topeka 307830781883
Concordia National Bank of Concordia 309030901883
First National Bank of Wellington 309130911883
Woodson National Bank of Yates Center 310831081884
First National Bank of Clyde 311531151884
First National Bank of Peabody 313431341884
First National Bank of Eureka 314831481884
Washington National Bank of Washington 316731671884
Peoples National Bank of Burlington 317031701884
Citizens National Bank of Fort Scott 317531751884
First National Bank of Hutchinson 318031801884
Metropolitan National Bank of Leavenworth 319431941884
Hutchinson National Bank of Hutchinson 319931991884
First National Bank of Sterling 320732071884
Exchange National Bank of El Dorado 321332131884
First National Bank of Girard 321632161884
First National Bank of Winfield 321832181884
First National Bank of Beloit 323132311884
First National Bank of Howard 324232421884
First National Bank of Ellsworth 324932491884
First National Bank of Medicine Lodge 325332531884
First National Bank of Harper 326532651884
First National Bank of Cherryvale 327732771884
Newton National Bank of Newton 329732971885
First National Bank of Westmoreland 330433041885
First National Bank of Osborne 331933191885
First National Bank of Coffeyville 332433241885
Peoples National Bank of Clay Center 334533451885
Miami County National Bank of Paola 335033501885
Winfield National Bank of Winfield 335133511885
First National Bank of Minneapolis 335333531885
First National Bank of Arkansas City 336033601885
First National Bank of Great Bend 336333631885
First National Bank of Saint Mary's 337433741885
Harper County National Bank of Anthony 338433841885
Anthony First National Bank of Anthony 338533851885
First National Bank of Belleville 338633861885
Anthony National Bank of Anthony 339433941885
Harper National Bank of Harper 343134311886
First National Bank of Wamego 343434341886
First National Bank of Stockton 344034401886
Halstead National Bank of Halstead 344334431886
Central National Bank of Ellsworth 344734471886
First National Bank of Garden City 344834481886
First National Bank of Kirwin 345434541886
First National Bank of Pittsburg 346334631886
First National Bank of Lincoln 346434641886
First National Bank of Saint John 346734671886
Exchange National Bank of Osborne 347234721886
German National Bank of Newton 347334731886
National Bank of Pittsburg of Pittsburg 347534751886
First National Bank of Kingman 350935091886
First National Bank of Oberlin 351135111886
First National Bank of Colby 351235121886
First National Bank of McPherson 352135211886
State National Bank of Wichita 352435241886
Salina National Bank of Salina 353135311886
First National Bank of Ness City 354235421886
First National Bank of Junction City 354335431886
First National Bank of Smith Center 354635461886
Kingman National Bank of Kingman 355935591886
Exchange National Bank of Downs 356335631886
State National Bank of Wellington 356435641886
First National Bank of Greenleaf 356735671886
First National Bank of Downs 356935691886
First National Bank of Lyons 357735771886
Merchants National Bank of Lawrence 358435841886
First National Bank of Lindsborg 358935891886
First National Bank of Jewell 359135911886
Citizens National Bank of Medicine Lodge 359435941886
First National Bank of Dodge City 359635961886
First National Bank of Phillipsburg 360136011886
United States National Bank of Atchison 361236121886
Smith County National Bank of Smith Center 363036301887
First National Bank of Pratt 364936491887
First National Bank of Russell 365736571887
First National Bank of Caldwell 365836581887
First National Bank of Greensburg 366736671887
Fourth National Bank of Wichita 368336831887
First National Bank of Norton 368736871887
First National Bank of Meade Center 369536951887
First National Bank of Coldwater 370337031887
First National Bank of Kansas City 370637061887
First National Bank of Ashland 371037101887
First National Bank of Olathe 372037201887
Wyandotte National Bank of Kansas City 372637261887
Minneapolis National Bank of Minneapolis 373137311887
Citizens National Bank of Kingman 373737371887
First National Bank of Mankato 374537451887
Citizens National Bank of Concordia 374837481887
First National Bank of Cimarron 375137511887
West Side National Bank of Wichita 375637561887
First National Bank of Hill City 375837581887
First National Bank of Kinsley 375937591887
First National Bank of Alma 376937691887
First National Bank of Russell Springs 377537751887
First National Bank of Wakeeney 377637761887
Abilene National Bank of Abilene 377737771887
National Bank of Belleville of Bellville 377937791887
First National Bank of Manhattan 378237821887
Pratt County National Bank of Pratt 378737871887
Kansas National Bank of Topeka 379037901887
Second National Bank of McPherson 379137911887
Howard National Bank of Howard 379437941887
National Bank of Paola of Paola 379537951887
McPherson National Bank of McPherson 380338031887
First National Bank of Jetmore 380538051887
Humboldt First National Bank of Humboldt 380738071887
First National Bank of Horton 381038101887
Jewell County National Bank of Mankato 381238121887
First National Bank of Osage City 381338131887
First National Bank of Chanute 381938191887
First National Bank of Centralia 382438241887
Merchants National Bank of El Dorado 383338331888
First National Bank of Fredonia 383538351888
First National Bank of Leoti 384438441888
Lawrence National Bank of Lawrence 384938491888
First National Bank of Stafford 385238521888
Meade Center National Bank of Meade Center 385338531888
First National Bank of Sedan 385538551888
National Bank of Commerce of Hutchinson 386138611888
Sumner National Bank of Wellington 386538651888
First National Bank of Burr Oak 388038801888
Watkins National Bank of Lawrence 388138811888
First National Bank of Hays City 388538851888
First National Bank of Dighton 388838881888
Finney County National Bank of Garden City 390039001888
Manufacturers National Bank of Leavenworth 390839081888
Merchants National Bank of Topeka 390939091888
Cottonwood Valley National Bank of Marion 392839281888
First National Bank of Erie 396339631889
First National Bank of La Crosse 397039701889
Peoples National Bank of Paola 399139911889
American National Bank of Arkansas City 399239921889
Union National Bank of Manhattan 400840081889
Anderson County National Bank of Garnett 403240321889
Chanute National Bank of Chanute 403640361889
First National Bank of Burlingame 404040401889
First National Bank of Herington 405840581889
Manufacturers National Bank of Pittsburg 413641361889
Sedan National Bank of Sedan 415041501889
Central National Bank of Junction City 428442841890
Cherryvale National Bank of Cherryvale 428842881890
American National Bank of Salina 431743171890
Inter-State National Bank of Kansas City 438143811890
Home National Bank of Arkansas City 448744871890
Commercial National Bank of Independence 449944991891
Cowley County National Bank of Winfield 455645561891
Citizens-First National Bank of Independence 459245921891
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Cawker City 461846181891
National Bank of Saint Mary's of Saint Mary's 461946191891
National Bank of Sabetha of Sabetha 462646261891
Farmers National Bank of Arkansas City 464046401891
Oberlin National Bank of Oberlin 464246421891
Farmers National Bank of Salina 474247421892
Montgomery County National Bank of Cherryvale 474947491892
Galena National Bank of Galena 479847981892
Midland National Bank of Newton 486048601893
Citizens National Bank of Minneapolis 493149311893
National Bank of America of Salina 494549451894
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of El Dorado 498149811894
National Bank of Holton of Holton 504150411896
National Bank of Seneca of Seneca 510151011897
Alma National Bank of Alma 510451041897
National Bank of Commerce of Wichita 516951691899
Northrup National Bank of Iola 528752871900
National Bank of Commerce of Garnett 529252921900
Caney Valley National Bank of Caney 534953491900
Lyons National Bank of Lyons 535353531900
First National Bank of Nortonville 535953591900
Stockgrowers National Bank of Ashland 538653861900
First National Bank of Cherokee 544754471900
Citizens National Bank of Emporia 549854981900
First National Bank of Havensville 550655061900
Home National Bank of Caney 551655161900
First National Bank of Madison 552955291900
First National Bank of Mount Hope 555955591900
Cedar Vale National Bank of Cedar Vale 560856081900
Citizens National Bank of Eureka 565556551900
First National Bank of Hoxie 568756871901
Citizens National Bank of Great Bend 570557051901
Council Grove National Bank of Council Grove 575757571901
First National Bank of Lebanon 579957991901
National Bank of Kinsley of Kinsley 581058101901
Farmers National Bank of Osborne 583458341901
Baxter National Bank of Baxter Springs 595259521901
First National Bank of Goodland 603960391901
National Bank of Chanute of Chanute 607260721901
Other $10 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.