1882 $10 Maryland National Banks Charters

Ten Dollar NotesNationals1882 Ten Dollar National Bank NotesMaryland Charters

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1882 $10 Brown Back - Front
1882 $10 Brown Back - Front
1882 $10 Brown Back - Back

1882 $10 Date Back - Front

1882 $10 Date Back - Back

1882 $10 Value Back - Front

1882 $10 Value Back - Back
Sell 1882 $10 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesBrown, Blue
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1878 $10 Legal Tender
2. 1880 $10 Legal Tender

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The following list of 1882 Maryland Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1882 $10 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1882 $10 Maryland National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Baltimore 2042041864
First National Bank of Cumberland 3813811864
Second National Bank of Baltimore 4144141864
First National Bank of Westminster 7427421865
First National Bank of New Windsor 7477471865
Third National Bank of Baltimore 8148141865
Traders National Bank of Baltimore 8268261865
National Exchange Bank of Baltimore 110911091865
Central National Bank of Frederick 113811381865
Cecil National Bank of Port Deposit 121112111865
National Bank of Elkton of Elkton 123612361865
Farmers National Bank of Annapolis 124412441865
National Farmers and Planters Bank of Baltimore 125212521865
Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Frederick 126712671865
Commercial and Farmers National Bank of Baltimore 130313031865
Western National Bank of Baltimore 132513251865
Merchants National Bank of Baltimore 133613361865
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Baltimore 133713371865
Citizens National Bank of Baltimore 138413841865
First National Bank of Frostburg 141214121865
Merchants National Bank of Baltimore 141314131865
First National Bank of Hagerstown 143114311865
National Bank of Baltimore of Baltimore 143214321865
Easton National Bank of Maryland of Easton 143414341865
Frederick County of Frederick 144914491865
National Union Bank of Baltimore 148914891865
Kent National Bank of Chestertown 150015001865
Second National Bank of Cumberland 151915191865
Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Westminster 152615261865
Washington County National Bank of Williamsport 155115511865
First National Bank of Frederick 158915891865
Union National Bank of Westminster 159615961865
Central National Bank of Baltimore 179717971871
Centerville National Bank of Maryland of Centerville 234123411876
Third National Bank of Cumberland 241624161879
National Marine Bank of Baltimore 245324531880
National Bank of Rising Sun of Rising Sun 248124811880
National Bank of Cambridge of Cambridge 249824981880
Drovers and Mechanics National Bank of Baltimore 249924991881
Denton National Bank of Denton 254725471881
Manufacturers National Bank of Baltimore 262326231882
Harford National Bank of Bel Air 279727971882
First National Bank of Havre de Grace 301030101883
Montgomery County National Bank of Rockville 318731871884
Queen Anne's National Bank of Centreville 320532051884
Salisbury National Bank of Salisbury 325032501884
Chestertown National Bank of Chestertown 330533051885
Citizens National Bank of Frederick 347634761886
Patapsco National Bank of Ellicott City 358535851886
Towson National Bank of Towson 358835881886
First National Bank of Snow Hill 378337831887
Second National Bank of Bel Air 393339331888
Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Easton 404640461889
Second National Bank of Hagerstown 404940491889
Dorchester National Bank of Cambridge 408540851889
First National Bank of Frostburg 414941491889
Second National Bank of Elkton 416241621889
Pocomoke City National Bank of Pocomoke City 419141911890
National Howard Bank of Baltimore 421842181890
National Bank of Commerce of Baltimore 428542851890
Second National Bank of Chestertown 432743271890
Citizens National Bank of Laurel 436443641890
National Bank of Cockeysville of Cockeysville 449644961891
American National Bank of Baltimore 451845181891
Equitable National Bank of Baltimore 453045301891
Continental National Bank of Baltimore 453345331891
First National Bank of Gaithersburg 460846081891
First National Bank of Aberdeen 463446341891
Canton National Bank of Canton, Baltimore 479947991892
Peoples National Bank of Hagerstown 485648561893
Citizens National Bank of Frostburg 492649261893
First National Bank of Catonsville 509350931897
Peoples National Bank of Denton 512251221898
First National Bank of Midland 533153311900
Citizens National Bank of Cumberland 533253321900
Citizens National Bank of Havre de Grace 544554451900
First National Bank of Southern Maryland of Upper Marlboro 547154711900
First National Bank of Sandy Spring 556155611900
National Bank of Port Deposit of Port Deposit 561056101900
First National Bank of Oakland 562356231900
Maryland National Bank of Oakland 577657761901
Thurmont National Bank of Thurmont 582958291901
Citizens National Bank of Westernport 583158311901
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Cambridge 588058801901
First National Bank of Grantsville 594359431901
Old Town National Bank of Baltimore 598459841901
Other $10 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

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Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.