1902 $10 Kentucky National Banks Charters

Ten Dollar NotesNationals1902 Ten Dollar National Bank NotesKentucky Charters

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1902 $10 Red Seal - Front
1902 $10 Red Seal - Front
1902 $10 Red Seal - Back

1902 $10 Date Back - Front

1902 $10 Date Back - Back

1902 $10 Plain Back - Front

1902 $10 Plain Back - Back
Sell 1902 $10 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed, Blue
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1907 $10 Gold Certificate
2. 1901 $10 Legal Tender
3. 1908 $10 Silver Certificates

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The following list of 1902 Kentucky Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1902 $10 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1902 $10 Kentucky National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Louisville 1091091863
First National Bank of Covington 7187181865
First National Bank of Lexington 7607601865
Second National Bank of Louisville 7777771865
Louisville City National Bank of Louisville 7887881865
Planters National Bank of Louisville 7907901865
First and City National Bank of Lexington 9069061865
Clark County National Bank of Winchester 9959951865
National Bank of Stanford of Stanford 120412041865
Farmers National Bank of Richmond 130913091865
National Bank of Lancaster of Lancaster 149314931865
First National Bank of Paducah 159915991865
Central National Bank of Danville 160016001865
First National Bank of Danville 160116011865
Henderson National Bank of Henderson 161516151865
National Bank of Lebanon of Lebanon 169416941869
National Bank of Maysville of Maysville 170217021870
Farmers National Bank of Stanford 170517051870
Fayette National Bank of Lexington 172017201870
First National Bank of Richmond 172817281870
National Bank of Somerset of Somerset 174817481870
First National Bank of Franklin 176017601871
First National Bank of Springfield 176717671871
Madison National Bank of Richmond 179017901871
First National Bank of Harrodsburg 180718071871
First National Bank of Nicholasville 183118311871
Commercial City National Bank of Versailles 183518351871
Liberty National Bank of Covington 184718471871
Covington City National Bank of Covington 185918591871
National Bank of Cynthiana of Cynthiana 190019001871
Kentucky National Bank of Louisville 190819081871
National Bank of Monticello of Monticello 193119311872
National Bank of Owentown of Owentown 196319631872
Ashland National Bank of Ashland 201020101872
German National Bank of Louisville 206220621872
American German National Bank of Paducah 207020701872
City National Bank of Paducah 209320931873
Citizens National Bank of Winchester 214821481874
National Southern Kentucky Bank of Bowling Green 214921491874
Marion National Bank of Lebanon 215021501874
Merchants National Bank of Louisville 216121611874
Citizens National Bank of Louisville 216421641874
Logan County National Bank of Russellville 216921691874
Third National Bank of Louisville 217121711874
Mount Sterling National Bank of Mount Sterling 218521851874
Anderson County National Bank of Lawrenceburg 219021901874
National Bank of New Castle of New Castle 219621961874
Caverna National Bank of Caverna 220622061874
National Bank of Union City of Morganfield 220922091874
Farmers National Bank of Mount Sterling 221622161875
First National Bank of Mayfield 224522451875
First National Bank of Newport 227622761875
Fleming County National Bank of Flemingsburg 232323231876
Second National Bank of Richmond 237423741877
National Exchange Bank of Lexington 239323931878
Farmers National Bank of Danville 240924091879
First National Bank of Maysville 246724671880
Mercer National Bank of Harrodsburg 253125311881
Farmers National Bank of Cynthiana 256025601881
First National Bank of Owensboro 257625761881
First National Bank of Carrollton 259225921881
State National Bank of Maysville 266326631882
Farmers and Traders National Bank of Covington 272227221882
American National Bank of Newport 272627261882
Catlettsburg National Bank of Catlettsburg 274027401882
Fourth National Bank of Louisville 278427841882
First National Bank of Stanford 278827881882
First National Bank of Owenton 286828681883
Citizens National Bank of Lancaster 288828881883
Second National Bank of Lexington 290129011883
National Bank of Hustonville of Hustonville 291729171883
First National Bank of Georgetown 292729271883
Planters National Bank of Henderson 293129311883
Farmers National Bank of Owenton 296829681883
First National Bank of Elizabethtown 304230421883
Phoenix and Third National Bank of Lexington 305230521883
First National Bank of Princeton 306430641883
Carrollton National Bank of Carrollton 307430741883
Winchester National Bank of Winchester 329032901885
Boyle National Bank of Danville 331733171885
Citizens National Bank of Danville 338133811885
First National Bank of Somerset 383238321887
First National Bank of Hopkinsville 385638561888
Phoenix National Bank of Lexington 394239421888
First National Bank of London 394339431888
Second National Bank of Ashland 394439441888
Lincoln National Bank of Stanford 395439541888
Citizens National Bank of Lebanon 398839881889
National Deposit Bank of Owensboro 400640061889
State National Bank of Frankfort 409040901889
Frankfort National Bank of Frankfort 409140911889
Union National Bank of Louisville 414541451889
Big Sandy National Bank of Catlettsburg 420042001890
Clay City National Bank of Clay City 421742171890
Citizens National Bank of Covington 426042601890
Farmers National Bank of Lebanon 427142711890
First National Bank of Greenville 435643561890
Richmond National Bank of Richmond 443044301890
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Hickman 446544651890
Merchants National Bank of Ashland 455945591891
First National Bank of Fulton 456345631891
First National Bank of Pineville 459845981891
Farmers National Bank of Augusta 461246121891
First National Bank of Augusta 461646161891
Newport National Bank of Newport 476547651892
First National Bank of Glasgow 481948191892
American-Southern National Bank of Louisville 495649561894
City National Bank of Mayfield 503350331896
Lincoln County National Bank of Stanford 513251321898
Louisville National Bank of Louisville 516151611898
Southern National Bank of Louisville 519551951899
Farmers National Bank of Princeton 525752571900
National Bank of Kentucky of Louisville 531253121900
Grayson County National Bank of Leitchfield 531453141900
First National Bank of Ludlow 532353231900
National Branch Bank of Kentucky of Frankfort 537653761900
First National Bank of Wickliffe 544354431900
Somerset National Banking Company of Somerset 546854681900
Trigg National Bank of Glasgow 548654861900
First National Bank of Hartford 579257921901
Farmers National Bank of Somerset 588158811901
Citizens National Bank of Bowling Green 590059001901
First National Bank of Carlisle 595959591901
First Hardin National Bank of Elizabethtown 602860281901
Paintsville National Bank of Paintsville 610061001902
Traders National Bank of Mount Sterling 612961291902
Montgomery National Bank of Mount Sterling 616061601902
City National Bank of Fulton 616761671902
First National Bank of Sturgis 624462441902
First National Bank of Latonia 624862481902
First National Bank of Barbourville 626262621902
First National Bank of Paris 632363231902
Taylor National Bank of Campbellsville 634263421902
Citizens National Bank of Monticello 641964191902
Citizens National Bank of Russellville 654665461902
First National Bank of Pikesville 662266221903
First National Bank of Columbia 676967691903
Farmers National Bank of Mayfield 683468341903
Third National Bank of Glasgow 687268721903
Farmers National Bank of Hodgenville 689468941903
First National Bank of Dry Ridge 701270121903
Pikeville National Bank of Pikeville 703070301903
First National Bank of Greenup 703770371903
National Bank of Middleborough of Middleborough 708670861904
First National Bank of Louisa 711071101904
Louisa National Bank of Louisa 712271221904
Citizens National Bank of Paintsville 716471641904
First National Bank of Williamsburg 717471741904
Bell National Bank of Pineville 721572151904
First National Bank of Sebree 724272421904
First National Bank of Prestonsburg 725472541904
Olive Hill National Bank of Olive Hill 728172811904
National Bank of John A. Black of Barbourville 728472841904
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Franklin 740274021904
Continental National Bank of Louisville 745774571904
Morganfield National Bank of Morganfield 749074901904
First National Bank of Eddyville 749274921904
Lawrenceburg National Bank of Lawrenceburg 749774971904
First National Bank of Corbin 754475441905
Lenora National Bank of Morehead 759375931905
First National Bank of Horse Cave 760276021905
First National Bank of Manchester 760576051905
Citizens National Bank of Richmond 765376531905
National Bank of Beatyville of Beatyville 775177511905
Bowling Green National Bank of Bowling Green 780478041905
National Bank of London of London 789078901905
Morgan County National Bank of Cannel City 789178911905
H.Y. Davis National Bank of Cave City 791979191905
Merchants National Bank of Covington 811081101906
First National Bank of Central City 822982291906
First National Bank of Hazard 825882581906
First National Bank of Bardwell 833183311906
Morton National Bank of Madisonville 838683861906
Berea National Bank of Berea 843584351906
Citizens of Glasgow 843984391906
Farmers National Bank of Madisonville 845184511906
Commercial National Bank of Covington 856485641907
Georgetown National Bank of Georgetown 857985791907
First National Bank of Scottsville 859985991907
Anderson National Bank of Lawrenceburg 860486041907
First National Bank of Uniontown 862286221907
First National Bank of Russell 879287921907
First National Bank of Adairville 881488141907
First National Bank of Brooksville 883088301907
Witherspoon National Bank of Lawrenceburg 886288621907
First National Bank of Burnside 890389031907
Salyersville National Bank of Salyersville 890589051907
Farmers National Bank of Clay 894389431907
First National Bank of Clinton 909890981908
National Bank of Commerce of Louisville 924192411908
First National Bank of Jackson 932093201909
Allen County National Bank of Scottsville 935693561909
American National Bank of Bowling Green 936593651909
United States National Bank of Owensboro 945694561909
National Bank of Maysville Association of Maysville 956195611909
Kentucky National Bank of Catlettsburg 960296021909
Whitley National Bank of Corbin 963496341910
Union National Bank of Providence 970897081910
Farmers National Bank of Glasgow 972297221910
First National Bank of Harlan 979197911910
Southern National Bank of Richmond 983298321910
National Deposit Bank of Russellville 984298421910
La Rue National Bank of Hodgenville 984398431910
First National Bank of Wilmore 988098801910
First National Bank of Jenkins 10062100621911
First National Bank of East Bernstadt 10254102541912
First National Bank of Whitesburg 10433104331913
Warren National Bank of Bowling Green 10448104481913
First National Bank of Murray 10779107791915
National Bank of Munfordville of Munfordville 11336113361919
First National Bank of Russell Springs 11348113481919
First National Bank of Buffalo 11538115381919
Citizens National Bank of Somerset 11544115441919
First National Bank of Dawson Springs 11548115481919
Liberty National Bank of Bowling Green 11589115891920
First National Bank of Stone 11890118901920
Day and Night National Bank of Pikesville 11944119441921
First National Bank of Falmouth 11947119471921
First National Bank of Fleming 11988119881921
Wallins National Bank of Wallins Creek 12202122021922
Citizens National Bank of Harlan 12243122431922
Third National Bank of Ashland 12293122931923
Harlan National Bank of Harlan 12295122951923
Farmers National Bank of Scottsville 12456124561923
Lynch National Bank of Lynch 12649126491925
Peoples National Bank of Paducah 12961129611926
First National Bank of Grayson 12982129821926
Second National Bank of Paintsville 13023130231927
Union National Bank of Elizabethtown 13024130241927
First National Bank of Hazard 13248132481928
Other $10 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.