1902 $10 Montana National Banks Charters

Ten Dollar NotesNationals1902 Ten Dollar National Bank NotesMontana Charters

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1902 $10 Red Seal - Front
1902 $10 Red Seal - Front
1902 $10 Red Seal - Back

1902 $10 Date Back - Front

1902 $10 Date Back - Back

1902 $10 Plain Back - Front

1902 $10 Plain Back - Back
Sell 1902 $10 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesRed, Blue
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1907 $10 Gold Certificate
2. 1901 $10 Legal Tender
3. 1908 $10 Silver Certificates

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The following list of 1902 Montana Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1902 $10 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1902 $10 Montana National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
First National Bank of Helena 164916491866
Montana National Bank of Helena 196019601872
First National Bank of Deer Lodge 197519751872
First National Bank of Bozeman 202720271872
Peoples National Bank of Helena 210521051873
First National Bank of Missoula 210621061873
Northwestern National Bank of Great Falls 247624761880
First National Bank of Butte 256625661881
Merchants National Bank of Helena 273227321882
First National Bank of Miles City 275227521882
Second National Bank of Helena 275727571882
Bozeman National Bank of Bozeman 280328031882
Montana National Bank of Helena 281328131882
First National Bank of Livingston 300630061883
Gallatin Valley National Bank of Bozeman 307530751883
First National Bank of Billings 309730971883
First National Bank of Dillon 312031201884
Dillon National Bank of Dillon 317331731884
Stock Growers National Bank of Miles City 327532751884
First National Bank of White Sulphur Springs 337533751885
First National Bank of Great Falls 352535251886
National Park Bank of Livingston 360536051886
First National Bank of Anaconda 396539651889
Western Montana National Bank of Missoula 399539951889
Livingston / Livingston of Livingston 411741171889
Stockmens National Bank of Fort Benton 419441941890
Silver Bow National Bank of Butte City 428342831890
First National Bank of Boulder 432343231890
American National Bank of Helena 439643961890
Helena National Bank of Helena 440644061890
Merchants National Bank of Great Falls 443444341890
Great Falls National Bank of Great Falls 454145411891
First National Bank of Castle 457245721891
First National Bank of Kalispell 458645861891
First National Bank of Big Timber 459045901891
Yellowstone National Bank of Billings 459345931891
First National Bank of Neihart 460046001891
Globe National Bank of Kalispell 465146511891
First National Bank of Philipsburg 465846581891
Conrad National Bank of Kalispell 480348031892
Merchants and Miners National Bank of Philipsburg 484348431893
Big Timber National Bank of Big Timber 493249321893
Commercial National Bank of Bozeman 496849681894
Commercial National Bank of Miles City 501550151895
National Bank of Montana of Helena 567156711901
First National Bank of Havre 567656761901
First National Bank of Chinook 609760971902
First National Bank of Glendive 710171011904
First National Bank of Plains 717271721904
First National Bank of Lewistown 727472741904
First National Bank of Forsyth 732073201904
National Bank of Gallatin Valley of Bozeman 744174411904
First National Bank of Harlem 764476441905
First National Bank of Glasgow 799079901905
Merchants National Bank of Glendive 805580551906
First National Bank of Culbertson 816881681906
First National Bank of Wibaux 825982591906
First National Bank of Moore 853985391907
First National Bank of Whitefish 858985891907
Kalispell National Bank of Kalispell 863586351907
Glasgow National Bank of Glasgow 865586551907
First National Bank of Laurel 866986691907
Citizens National Bank of Laurel 871687161907
First National Bank of Sidney 900490041908
First National Bank of Ismay 910391031908
First National Bank of Roundup 916591651908
First National Bank of Hardin 921592151908
First National Bank of Harlowton 927092701908
First National Bank of Three Forks 933793371909
Merchants National Bank of Billings 935593551909
First National Bank of Columbus 939693961909
Citizens National Bank of Havre 944094401909
First National Bank of Poison 944994491909
First National Bank of Hamilton 948694861909
First National Bank of Valier 952095201909
First National Bank of Cut Bank 957495741909
Anaconda National Bank of Anaconda 958395831909
First National Bank of Libby 959495941909
First National Bank of Malta 973897381910
First National Bank of Conrad 975997591910
Havre National Bank of Havre 978297821910
First National Bank of Saco 978997891910
United States National Bank of Red Lodge 984198411910
First National Bank of Ronan 986498641910
United States National Bank of Deer Lodge 989998991910
First National Bank of Townsend 998299821911
Farmers National Bank of Chinook 10053100531911
First National Bank of Plentywood 10438104381913
First National Bank of Baker 10443104431913
Commercial National Bank of Great Falls 10530105301914
Yellowstone Valley National Bank of Sidney 10539105391914
Farmers National Bank of Sidney 10552105521914
First National Bank of Stanford 10625106251914
Roundup National Bank of Roundup 10675106751915
First National Bank of Stevensville 10709107091915
First National Bank of Hobson 10715107151915
First National Bank of Bridger 10769107691915
First National Bank of Geraldine 10803108031915
First National Bank of Broad View 10809108091915
First National Bank of Denton 10819108191916
First National Bank of Scobey 10838108381916
First National Bank of Richey 10881108811916
First National Bank of Browning 10883108831916
Miles City National Bank of Miles City 10884108841916
First National Bank of Poplar 10885108851916
First National Bank of Judith Gap 10907109071916
First National Bank of Winsdale 10910109101916
First National Bank of Baylor 10917109171916
First National Bank of Pompey's Pillar 10922109221916
Sidney National Bank of Sidney 10926109261916
First National Bank of Intake 10928109281916
First National Bank of Joplin 10929109291916
Montana National Bank of Billings 10933109331917
First National Bank of Carlyle 10934109341917
First National Bank of Choteau 10937109371917
First National Bank of Grass Range 10939109391917
American National Bank of Forsyth 10942109421917
First National Bank of Geyser 10952109521917
First National Bank of Shelby 10953109531917
First National Bank of Bainville 10985109851917
First National Bank of Reserve 10986109861917
First National Bank of Roy 10991109911917
First National Bank of Carter 10995109951917
American National Bank of Three Forks 10996109961917
Northwestern National Bank of Livingston 11000110001917
First National Bank of Big Sandy 11004110041917
First National Bank of Winifred 11006110061917
First National Bank of Twin-Bridges 11008110081917
First National Bank of Mott, Stickley 11013110131917
First National Bank of Rapelje, Lake Basin 11017110171917
First National Bank of Whitehall 11024110241917
First National Bank of Hysham 11026110261917
First National Bank of Brockton 11027110271917
First National Bank of Brady 11030110301917
First National Bank of Savage 11032110321917
First National Bank of Wolf Point 11036110361917
Malta National Bank of Malta 11040110401917
First National Bank of Nashua 11048110481917
First National Bank of Froid 11061110611917
Farmers National Bank of Big Sandy 11063110631917
Stillwater Valley National Bank of Absarokee 11066110661917
Stockmens National Bank of Hardin 11070110701917
First National Bank of Plevna 11074110741917
Citizens National Bank of Wolf Point 11075110751917
Montana National Bank of Havre 11077110771917
First National Bank of Raymond 11078110781917
Farmers National Bank of Harlowtown 11085110851917
First National Bank of Dodson 11086110861917
First National Bank of Galata 11089110891917
Stockmens National Bank of Raynesford 11095110951917
First National Bank of Fresno 11096110961917
First National Bank of Opheim 11097110971917
Merchants National Bank of Scobey 11098110981917
First National Bank of Circle 11101111011917
First National Bank of Chester 11105111051917
First National Bank of Highwood 11131111311918
First National Bank of Oswego 11134111341918
First National Bank of Lodge Grass 11160111601918
First National Bank of Charlo 11165111651918
First National Bank of Lambert 11176111761918
First National Bank of Savoy 11199111991918
First National Bank of Rudyard 11203112031918
First National Bank of Westby 11209112091918
Stockmens National Bank of Columbus 11220112201918
First National Bank of Musselshell 11269112691918
American National Bank of Bridger 11298112981919
First National Bank of Fairfield 11307113071919
First National Bank of Reed Point 11334113341919
First National Bank of Wilsall 11335113351919
First National Bank of Antelope 11350113501919
First National Bank of Ekalaka 11382113821919
First National Bank of Winhett 11391113911919
First National Bank of Broadus 11418114181919
Northern National Bank of Great Falls 11429114291919
First National Bank of Rosebud 11437114371919
First National Bank of Ingomar 11465114651919
First National Bank of McCabe 11475114751919
Security National Bank of Lima 11492114921919
First National Bank of Jordan 11493114931919
First National Bank of Belt 11673116731920
American National Bank of Billinigs 11696116961920
First National Bank of Fairview 12015120151921
Labor National Bank of Montana of Three Forks 12361123611923
Midland National Bank of Billings 12407124071923
First National Bank of Miles City 12536125361924
National Bank of Anaconda of Anaconda 12542125421924
First National Bank of Hysham 12585125851924
National Bank of Lewistown of Lewistown 12608126081924
Richland National Bank of Sidney 12679126791925
Other $10 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.