1929 $20 Georgia National Banks Charters

Twenty Dollar NotesNationals1929 Twenty Dollar National Bank NotesGeorgia Charters

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1929 $20 Type 1 - Front
1929 $20 Type 1 - Front
1929 $20 Type 2 - Front
Sell 1929 $20 Bill
Item Info
TypeNational Bank Note
Seal VarietiesSmall Brown
See AlsoIf your note doesn't match try:
1. 1929 $20 Federal Reserve Bank Note
2. 1928 $20 Federal Reserve Note
3. 1928A $20 Federal Reserve Note
4. 1928B $20 Federal Reserve Note
5. 1928C $20 Federal Reserve Note
6. 1934 $20 Federal Reserve Note

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The following list of 1929 Georgia Charters is not exact. More banks are listed than may have issued 1929 $20 notes. For exact charter issue info, see info below table.

Directions: Click column name to resort table. Example: To sort by Bank Name alphabetically, click "Bank". To sort by Charter Number (default) click "Charter". Arrow direction next to column name indicates order. Up highest to lowest, Down lowest to highest.

1929 $20 Georgia National Banks
Bank Charter Charter Year
Savannah National Bank of Savannah 125512551865
Atlanta National Bank of Atlanta 155915591865
City National Bank of Savannah 158615861865
Georgia National Bank of Atlanta 160516051865
National Bank of Augusta of Augusta 161316131865
First National Bank of Macon 161716171865
Chattahoochee National Bank of Columbus 163016301866
National Bank of Athens of Athens 163916391866
Merchants National Bank of Savannah 164016401866
Merchants and Planters National Bank of Augusta 170317031870
National Exchange Bank of Augusta 186018601871
First National Bank of Newnan 186118611871
First National Bank of Americus 200920091872
State National Bank of Atlanta 206420641872
City National Bank of Griffin 207520751873
First National Bank of Columbus 233823381876
First National Bank of Rome 236823681877
Gate City National Bank of Atlanta 242424241879
Peoples National Bank of Americus 283928391882
First National Bank of La Grange 309330931883
First National Bank of Brunswick 311631161884
Newnan National Bank of Newnan 338233821885
National Bank of Savannah of Savannah 340634061885
Merchants National Bank of Rome 367036701887
Merchants National Bank of Macon 374037401887
Oglethorpe National Bank of Brunswick 375337531887
First National Bank of Thomasville 376737671887
First National Bank of Marietta 383038301887
Citizens First National Bank of Albany 387238721888
First National Bank of Dalton 390739071888
Third National Bank of Columbus 393739371888
First National Bank of Gainesville 398339831889
First National Bank of Cartersville 401240121889
First National Bank of Cedartown 407540751889
Dawson National Bank of Dawson 411541151889
Rome National Bank of Rome 436943691890
First National Bank of Valdosta 442944291890
American National Bank of Macon 454745471891
First National Bank of Cordele 455445541891
Fourth National Bank of Columbus 469146911892
National Bank of Brunswick of Brunswick 494449441894
First National Bank of Waycross 496349631894
Third National Bank of Atlanta 503050301896
Fourth National Bank of Atlanta 504550451896
First National Bank of Carrollton 526452641900
Lowry National Bank of Atlanta 531853181900
Capital City National Bank of Atlanta 549054901900
Albany National Bank of Albany 551255121900
First National Bank of Forsyth 564456441900
First National Bank of Jackson 570957091901
Cordele National Bank of Cordele 597559751901
First National Bank of Fort Gaines 600260021901
First National Bank of Bainbridge 600460041901
Coweta National Bank of Newnan 604760471901
North Georgia National Bank of Blue Ridge 607960791902
First National Bank of Fitzgerald 608260821902
First National Bank of Sylvester 618061801902
First National Bank of Louisville 620762071902
First National Bank of Barnesville 624362431902
Third National Bank of Albany 633663361902
First National Bank of Dublin 637463741902
City National Bank of Dawson 649664961902
First National Bank of Colquitt 649864981902
Georgia National Bank of Athens 652565251902
First National Bank of Tifton 654265421902
First National Bank of Montezuma 657665761903
First National Bank of Toccoa 668766871903
Greensboro National Bank of Greensboro 696769671903
First National Bank of Blakely 701870181903
First National Bank of Sparta 707670761903
First National Bank of Tallapoosa 722072201904
First National Bank of La Fayette 724772471904
First National Bank of Madison 730073001904
National Bank of Union Point of Union Point 733073301904
First National Bank of Commerce 743174311904
First National Bank of Fort Valley 745974591904
First National Bank of Statesboro 746874681904
Calhoun National Bank of Calhoun 754975491905
First National Bank of Moultrie 756575651905
First National Bank of Cochran 756775671905
First National Bank of Hawkinsville 758075801905
Gainesville National Bank of Gainesville 761676161905
La Grange National Bank of La Grange 776277621905
Citizens National Bank of Albany 777777771905
First National Bank of Waynesboro 789978991905
First National Bank of Sandersville 793479341905
First National Bank of Buena Vista 796379631905
First National Bank of McDonough 796979691905
First National Bank of Lyons 797979791905
Atkins National Bank of Maysville 798679861905
First National Bank of Quitman 799479941905
First National Bank of Wrightsville 802380231905
First National Bank of West Point 804680461906
City National Bank of Dublin 812881281906
Exchange National Bank of Fitzgerald 825082501906
Americus National Bank of Americus 830583051906
First National Bank of Arlington 831483141906
National Bank of Tifton of Tifton 835083501906
Fourth National Bank of Macon 836583651906
First National Bank of Shellman 841784171906
Copeland National Bank of Greensboro 845284521906
First National Bank of Lavonia 847084701906
Manufacturers National Bank of Newnan 847784771906
First National Bank of Senoia 852785271907
First National Bank of Ocilla 858085801907
Citizens National Bank of Rockmart 862886281907
Pembroke National Bank of Pembroke 868086801907
National Bank of Wilkes of Washington 884888481907
Citizens National Bank of Washington 889488941907
First National Bank of Covington 894589451907
Ben Hill National Bank of Fitzgerald 896689661907
Citizens National Bank of Macon 899089901908
First National Bank of Jefferson 903990391908
First National Bank of Winder 905190511908
American National Bank of Cordele 907490741908
First National Bank of Millen 908890881908
American National Bank of Atlanta 910591051908
First National Bank of Nashville 910691061908
Jackson National Bank of Jackson 918691861908
Commercial National Bank of Macon 921292121908
First National Bank of Elberton 925292521908
Colquitt National Bank of Colquitt 925492541908
First National Bank of Thomson 930293021908
Farmers National Bank of Monticello 932993291909
First National Bank of Monticello 934693461909
First National Bank of Eastman 959395931909
Byrom National Bank of Byromville 960796071909
First National Bank of Cornelia 961396131909
First National Bank of Reynolds 961596151909
Fulton National Bank of Atlanta 961796171909
First National Bank of Vienna 961896181909
Cherokee National Bank of Rome 963696361910
Cohen National Bank of Sandersville 964196411910
First National Bank of Milledgeville 967296721910
Georgia National Bank of Albany 972997291910
First National Bank of Adel 977797771910
First National Bank of Pelham 987098701910
First National Bank of Vidalia 987998791910
First National Bank of Hampton 10089100891911
Macon National Bank of Macon 10270102701912
First National Bank of Cuthbert 10279102791912
National City Bank of Rome 10302103021912
Exchange National Bank of Rome 10303103031912
First National Bank of Claxton 10333103331913
First National Bank of East Point 10756107561915
Winder National Bank of Winder 10805108051915
National Bank of Sylvania of Sylvania 10829108291916
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Rockmart 10900109001916
Bibb National Bank of Macon 10945109451917
First National Bank of Conyers 11255112551918
Peoples National Bank of Quitman 11290112901919
Second National Bank of Griffin 11597115971920
First National Bank of Hartwell 11695116951920
Liberty National Bank of Cedartown 11833118331920
First National Bank of Lawrenceville 11936119361921
Citizens National Bank of Montezuma 11939119391921
Mercantile National Bank of Savannah 12030120301921
First National Bank of Dallas 12105121051922
Citizens National Bank of Marietta 12232122321922
Ninth National Bank of Atlanta 12249122491922
National Bank of Lumpkin of Lumpkin 12254122541922
Hancock National Bank of Sparta 12317123171923
Citizens National Bank of Barnesville 12404124041923
City National Bank of Atlanta 12492124921924
Cartersville National Bank of Cartersville 12635126351925
New Georgia National Bank of Albany 12863128631925
Citizens and Southern National Bank of Savannah 13068130681927
Moultrie National Bank of Moultrie 13161131611928
City National Bank of Albany 13223132231928
First National Bank of Douglasville 13227132271928
Citizens National Bank of Marietta 13469134691930
Liberty National Bank and Trust Company of Savannah 13472134721930
National Bank of Fitzgerald of Fitzgerald 13550135501931
George D. Warthen National Bank of Sandersville 13725137251933
Jackson National Bank of Jackson 13897138971933
National Bank of Monroe of Monroe 14046140461934
First National Bank of Elberton 14061140611934
First National Bank of Waycross 14193141931934
Claxton National Bank of Claxton 14243142431934
Citizens National Bank of Quitman 14255142551934
First National Bank of Cordele 14257142571934
Other $20 Bills

Those interested in precise issue information per state, charter and denomination should consult well known National Bank Note reference guides. Click here.

No Obligations Offers and Appraisals

Please submit a good photo or scan. It will be identified and evaluated. Understand there may be subtle differences between the image you see above and your note. Signatures, design, markings and note condition will determine the offer price. Notes in Uncirculated or better condition receive the best offers.

Appraisals can be estimated for wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale is what dealers typically pay. Retail is what a collector might pay. Retail is slightly higher in most cases.

Please visit this page for USA Paper Money Reference. Do not treat this page as a reference guide, it is for appraisal and acquisition purposes only.